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Nathaniel Pundsack


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Nathaniel Pundsack is an American composer
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Nathaniel Pundsack is a junior clarinetist studying at Southwestern Oklahoma State University. As an avid composer, Nathaniel's works include solo, chamber, and large ensemble pieces. His first piece (op. 1) for unaccompanied clarinet titled “Empfindungsvoll” won the 2022 International Clarinet Association’s composition competition. This piece and many others were premiered at Southwestern Oklahoma State University with more premieres planned for the future. His primary instructors include Dr. Stacey DiPaolo, Dr. Robert Pippin, and Prof. Micheal Barnes. 

Empfindungsvoll: for solo clarinet

Clarinet Alone


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Winner of the I.C.A. 2022 Composition Competition

Phrase this piece as freely as possible. It should feel natural and fluid.

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