Jaime Díaz
Jaime Díaz is an American composer currently residing in the UK.

I am a sound artist and academic who specializes in experimental sounds. I am based in Glasgow, UK, but originally from Colorado, US. Over the past 10 years, I have worked across theatre, dance, film, and the concert stage, and have gained experience in the US, Canada, UK, and Ghana.
My piano duet titled ‘an incomplete autobiography’ was the runner-up in the 2018 Anderson & Roe New Music New Video composition competition. Some of my commissioned works include "Señora de las Sombras" premiered at soundfest 2022, ‘Pink Cloud Ballade’ premiered by the Sheffield Clarinet Choir in 2023, and ‘Three distant moods,’ commissioned and recorded by Devan Jaquez in 2020. I was also commissioned by the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland’s 2023 PLUG Festival to compose ‘statues of bone flowers,’ premiered by the GAIA duo, and ‘voiceless and brown’ premiered with Stephanie Lamprea and Calum Huggan. In 2023 The Sheffield University Orchestra premiered my piece 'ballade for the end of the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy'.
songs without words for the end of the fucking world- No 4. assimilate the death of earth (2023)
Bass Clarinet and Electronics;
Contact composer
This piece is for bass clarinet and tape. It was performed by Sarah Watts at The Old Hairdresser's in Glasgow, UK on 23 February 2023. This piece is part of a series of solos that explores imagined soundscapes about the end of human civilization.
Sarah Watts is a British clarinet player. Specialising in low clarinets, she has an international reputation for her performances, research and teaching. Hear more of her work on her website: http://www.sarahkwatts.co.uk/home/index.html